Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (3 Dec 2014)

Today's top story

Global: Despite high-profile crackdown, China falls in global corruption ranks
The Globe and Mail (TI mention)
Despite China’s very public prosecution of corrupt officials, a new report from Transparency International reveals that China is in fact losing ground in the fight against graft.

More news

Global: Airbus raided in probe over Romania, Saudi Arabia bribery
Brazil: Brazil graft is ‘widespread’, ex-Petrobras director says
China: China's anti-graft watchdog face criticism after naming female officials for practicing adultery
Times of India
Egypt: Egypt to criminalise ‘insulting revolutions’
Associated Press
Greece: Corruption still alive and well in post-bailout Greece
The Guardian
Portugal: Portugal top court rejects motion to free ex-PM in graft case
Thailand: Police hunt one of Thailand’s richest men in police graft scandal
Agence France-Presse

Blogs and opinion

Global: 5 takeaways from the OECD report on foreign bribery
Wall Street Journal

News from Transparency International

Press release: Corruption Perceptions Index 2014: Clean growth at risk
On the blog: Asia Pacific: Growing economies, growing corruption
On the blog: Europe, Central Asia, and the state of corruption in 2014: the gold standard?

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