2014 Intl Anti-Corruption Day (9 December) - Cooperation for Peace & Development, Afghanistan

[Facilitator's note: With deep appreciation to Abdul Sami Zhman, Cooperation for Peace and Development, Afghanistan, for contributing this information.]

Dear friends,

Since 2008, Transparency International has consistently placed Afghanistan in the bottom five in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Although Afghanistan has been classified as one of the most corrupt nations in the world for many years now, the Afghan government has done little to counter corruption and increase the government’s legitimacy. Corruption is a growing problem in Afghanistan that seriously threatens the stability of the country and has contributed to the economic slowdown and discouragement of foreign investments.

Through its Corruption Free Afghanistan's initiative, Cooperation for Peace and Development (CPD) has been campaigning on anti-corruption since 2012. We joined hands with UNDP to organize an e-campaign for extension of the "Break the Corruption Chain" international activism to Afghanistan and celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day 2014. We have chosen to focus our campaign on combating corruption in the education sector of Afghanistan by implementing the following activities:

Sharing of anti-corruption news through social media from 16 to 30 November;
Dissemination of anti-corruption messages through social media platforms from 1 to 8 December;
Issuance of campaign resolution/statement through website, mailing list and social media on 9 December;
Creating a webpage on Anti-Corruption in the CPD website after 9 December.

Please join us to augment the outcome:



Abdul Sami Zhman
Founder and General Director
Cooperation for Peace and Development (CPD)
Kabul, Afghanistan

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Break the Corruption Chain!International Anti-Corruption Day (9 December)

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