Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (12 Dec 2014) - Cook Islands, Fiji, Solomon Islands, PNG, Vanuatu

Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Annika Wythes, Isikeli Valemei, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project, for sharing these updates.]

Cook Islands:  Government Helps Public To Oppose Corruption. The Government is using today’s International Anti-Corruption Day to help the public understand how they can help keep the Cook Islands to be corruption-free.

Fiji: Fight against corruption. An open day by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption in Lautoka attracted complaints ranging from the mundane to more serious offences.

Fiji: Health ministry alleged corruption investigation still ongoing - FICAC. The investigation into the Ministry of Health by the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption is still ongoing.

Fiji: State to draft code of conduct for public office holders. The code of conduct for public office holders and the Accountability and Transparency Commission will be established next year, says Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.

Solomon Islands: Lobbyists accused of promoting corruption. Individuals who play the role of lobbyists at each of the political camps during the process of electing the Prime Minister and the formation of the government have been heavily criticised.

Solomon Islands: Jailed woman faces additional charges. A woman who is currently serving a jail term is back in court facing outstanding false pretence charges.

PNG: International Anti-Corruption Day - PNG industry groups win praise for highlighting integrity issues. Anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International has praised Papua New Guinea's industry groups for bringing awareness to integrity issues on the United Nations' global anti-graft day.

PNG: Corruption impedes on businesses. Corruption has been identified in a survey as the second highest impediment to doing business and investment in Papua New Guinea.

PNG: O’Neill challenges referral. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is challenging in court the decision of the Public Prosecutor to refer him to a Leadership Tribunal over allegations of misconduct in office.

Vanuatu: Citizenship Revoked - PM says individuals obtained citizenship fraudulently. The Vanuatu Citizenship Commission announced at the weekend 30 people have had their Vanautu citizenships revoked.

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