Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (28 Nov 2014)

Today's top story

India: Mumbai street vendors: ‘Cops work in shifts so I have to bribe each one’
The Guardian

A new law aims to improve life for street vendors on the streets of Mumbai – by moving them away from their customer base. And then there’s the bribes.

More news

Indonesia: Indonesia overhauls oil giant Pertamina, moves to clean up sector

Mexico: Mexican president tackles corruption after ‘the tragedy in Iguala’
The Guardian

Philippines: Filipino politician’s graft probe draws shrugs
The Wall Street Journal

Spain: Spain’s prime minister presents package of anti-corruption bills
The Wall Street Journal

Tanzania: Tanzanian PM under pressure to resign over alleged fraudulent payments
The Guardian (TI mention)

Thailand: Impeachment process begins for ousted Thai PM Yingluck

Blogs and opinion

Brazil: Capping Brazil's corruption gusher
Bloomberg View

News from Transparency International

Web feature: Slippery justice: the travails of a whistleblower in Cameroon
Press release: 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index to be launched 3 December

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