Three new Proxy Challenge Briefs from U4 presenting innovative, viable ways to measure grand corruption in procurement, nepotism, and revolving doors

[Facilitator's note: With appreciation to Jesper Johnsøn, Senior Advisor, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Norway, for sharing this information.]

In 2013, the U4 Proxy Challenge Brief explored and called for innovative ways to measure corruption, going beyond just bribery and financial fraud. That led to the Proxy Challenge Competition. In February 2014, U4 convened aid practitioners, policy makers, and academics in Bergen at the Proxy Workshop to advance the state of knowledge in assessing whether anti-corruption efforts are successful and five submissions were chosen to present their innovative proposals.

Now, the first three papers in our new Proxy Challenge Series have been published, based on submission to the 2014 Proxy Challenge. This new series of publications promotes methodological fine-tuning and empirical application of pioneering ways to measure types of corruption where no standardised measurement tools yet exist. The three new U4 Briefs present viable proxy indicators for measuring grand corruption in procurement, nepotism, and revolving doors. We hope that you will use them to advance the frontiers of corruption measurement.

There is clearly a need for more innovative ideas for measuring many other types of corruption. The next Proxy Challenge will therefore take place in 2016, but the call for proposals will be launched in late 2015. We welcome your ideas and comments to make this second competition even more rewarding than the first one. Feel free to stay in touch through the U4 LinkedIn group on Evaluation & Measurement.

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