Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (15 Dec 2014)

Today's top story

China: A corruption case laden with jade
The New York Times
Ni Fake, a former vice governor of Anhui Province in eastern China, enjoyed being a government official. But what he apparently loved most was jade.

More news

Hungary: Hungarians protest government budget, corruption
Associated Press
Iraq: Corruption, ‘ghost contractors’, sink Baghdad after rains
Israel: Ramat Gan mayor, city officials arrested in major corruption, election fraud scandal
The Jerusalem Post
Nigeria: Nigeria’s economic pain may not decide election
Turkey: In push against Muslim cleric, Turkey detains police officers and journalists
The New York Times

Blogs and opinion

Global: Setting up a bogus shell corporation is really easy
Global: The dozy watchdogs
The Economist
Mexico: Tackling corruption in Mexico means reforming campaign finance
The Financial Times

News from Transparency International

Press release: Transparency International condemns arrest of anti-corruption investigative journalist in Azerbaijan
Web feature:Anti-money laundering: Tougher oversight required

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