Australia Integrity Commissioner appointed

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Nick Sellars, Executive Director (Secretariat) (acting), Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI), for sharing this information.]

From the office of Michael Keenan, Australia Minister for Justice:

12 December 2014 -- Mr Michael Griffin AM has been appointed as the Integrity Commissioner and statutory head of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI).

ACLEI is responsible for detecting, disrupting and deterring corrupt conduct and criminal infiltration in Commonwealth law enforcement agencies.

The Integrity Commissioner has jurisdiction over the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, the CrimTrac Agency and prescribed aspects of the Department of Agriculture’s border operations.

Mr Griffin’s appointment comes at a time of new challenges for ACLEI as Australia’s crime-fighting agencies respond to increasing pressure from organised crime, particularly corruption‑enabled border crime.

Mr Griffin’s extensive experience in investigating crime and misconduct positions him well to lead ACLEI’s continued success in the fight against corruption.

Mr Griffin is currently the Director of Military Prosecutions in the Department of Defence.  In this role, he has been responsible for leading prosecutions for service offences.

Before his appointment to this role, Mr Griffin was an examiner at the Australian Crime Commission for two years.

Prior to this, he spent a combined 12 years as a Principal Member, Senior Member and Member at the Veterans’ Review Board, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Migration Review Tribunal and the Refugee Review Tribunal.

The Government thanks the previous Integrity Commissioner Mr Philip Moss for his service from 2007 to 2014 and Mr Robert Cornall AO for his service as Acting Integrity Commissioner since Mr Moss’ departure.

I congratulate Mr Griffin on his appointment as Integrity Commissioner.  I am confident he will provide strong leadership in the important role of assuring the integrity of public officers responsible for safeguarding our community’s safety.

Mr Griffin commences his appointment on 19 January 2015 for a period of five years.

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