COMMENTARY: Global Anticorruption Blog review of UNDP "Anti-Corruption Strategies" study

"The strongest part of the UNDP study is the stress put on measuring corruption.  An effective strategy, it contends, must be based on quantitative data taken from surveys, integrity assessments, news monitoring, and crowd-sourcing. Using examples from the countries reviewed, the authors show why such data is critical when designing and implementing a strategy and even more critical when monitoring and evaluating it.  Fully one-third of the paper is devoted to discussing measurement issues and an appendix expands on the discussion, describing the many innovative techniques countries in the region have devised to measure corruption."

Read the review by Richard Messick, Senior Contributor, Global Anticorruption Blog.

Read or download "Anticorruption Strategies: Understanding What Works, What Doesn’t and Why — Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region" here:

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