COMMENTARY: Just How Relevant for Developing Nations is Singapore’s Experience Combating Corruption?

"Policymakers in developing countries hunting for relevant examples of successful efforts to combat corruption are often urged to look to Singapore. Not only does it regularly score at or near the top of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (in seventh place in the just released 2014 index) but its history is similar to that of developing nations.  For much of the modern era it was under colonial rule, becoming fully independent only in 1965, and independence followed a turbulent decade marked by insurgency and social upheaval.  Again like many of today’s developing nations, at independence it had a backward economy and poorly educated citizenry.  Its success in lifting its citizens out of poverty and creating a modern economy, often attributed at least in part to how well it has done in curbing corruption, makes it an all the more attractive model for developing states."

Read the article by Rick Messick, in The Global Anticorruption Blog.

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