Australia - Corruption Updates (24 Dec 2014)

Facilitator's note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Executive Director of Corruption Fighters, for sharing these updates.]

#1:  Some politicians are just unbelievably loyal. Today the royal commission into union governance and corruption will hand down its interim report [which] will almost certainly find links between organised crime and union activity. The Age - 15 December

#2:  More contractors charged for not keeping quiet over CCC investigation. Three more people embroiled in the Corruption and Crime Commission investigation involving City of Perth works have been charged for unlawfully disclosing restricted information. WA Today - 17 December

#3:  'No evidence' Eddie Obeid is a flight risk: court. Corrupt former Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid left the court a happy man after a magistrate ruled he did not have to surrender his passport. The Age - 18 December

#4:  Crime and Corruption Commission charges pair with licence fraud. The (Queensland) Crime and Corruption Commission has charged a man and a woman with official corruption over an alleged fraudulent drivers' licence scheme. Brisbane Times - 18 December

#5:  Damning report into WestConnex motorway released by NSW auditor-general. The only independent review of the business case for the $14 billion WestConnex motorway, the biggest transport initiative in Australia, concluded "it was not able to form a view on whether the project is a worthwhile and prudent investment … for the NSW government". The Age - 18 December

#6:  Royal Commission into union corruption: Julia Gillard ex Bruce Wilson and others should face charges. Former prime minister Julia Gillard has called for her accusers to show "decency" and apologise after Royal Commissioner Dyson Heydon found there were no grounds for criminality over her involvement in a union "slush fund". Canberra Times - 19 December

#7:  Arthur Sinodinos resigns as Assistant Treasurer: tragedy wrapped in mystery. A Greek tragedy, Aristotle ruled, has three parts: beginning, middle and end. For Arthur Sinodinos, the son of Greek immigrants, and the Liberal Party he came to serve, here is a tragedy in three parts, the end not entirely clear. Canberra Times - 19 December

#8:  Failure to deal with Kathy Jackson undermines credibility of Royal Commission. What do you do when your star witness in a politically motivated inquiry turns out to be an alleged thief who may have stolen more than $1 million? Canberra Times - 19 December

#9:  Unions royal commission clears Julia Gillard but questions her credibility as a witness. Former prime minister Julia Gillard did not commit a crime and was not aware of any criminality committed by union officials during her time as a lawyer for the Australian Workers Union, the trade union royal commission has found. Canberra Times - 19 December

#10:  Department of Human Services has 'crazy' culture of command-and-control, says Labor. A "crazy" culture of command-and-control within the government's largest department has created an obsession with secrecy and suppressing information, the federal opposition says. Canberra Times - 19 December

#11:  Clive Palmer media adviser Andrew Crook detained over alleged kidnapping: reports. Clive Palmer's media adviser, Andrew Crook, has been detained in raids connected to the alleged kidnapping of a bank executive. Canberra Times - 19 December

#12:  MPs' 'gravy plane' from the west coast cost $10,000 each per flight. Air force-operated flights that transport federal MPs and senators between Western Australia and Canberra are costing taxpayers more than $10,000 per parliamentarian, per flight – five times the price of a business-class ticket on a commercial airline. The Age - 19 December

#13:  Bandido accused of fraud and theft wins bail. A man believed to be the national president of the Bandidos motorcycle club was allegedly involved in fraud and the theft of a former member's motorcycle, a court has heard. The Age - 19 December

#14:  Royal commission takes aim at CFMEU, recommends charges against senior officials. The head of Victoria's militant construction union, John Setka, should be considered for the criminal charge of blackmail while the construction union acts in "wilful defiance of the law", an interim report of the royal commission into trade unions has said. The Age - 19 December

#15:  Clive Palmer's adviser charged with attempted fraud. Clive Palmer's chief media adviser has been charged with attempted fraud after allegedly being involved in a "bizarre" plot to kidnap a National Australia Bank executive in Indonesia. The Age - 19 December

#16:  Cunneen blames 'malevent' relative for corruption investigation. Controversial crown prosecutor Margaret Cunneen SC has blamed her "malevent (sic)…long-estranged [family member]" for a corruption investigation and suggested that "all the independent bystanders said I did absolutely nothing wrong". The Age - 19 December

#17:  Royal Commission into trade unions: criminal charges on the table for intimidation and corruption. National construction union officials may face criminal charges for acts of alleged intimidation and coercion under recommendations of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption. The Age - 19 December

Tony Prescott
  Founder and Executive Director
  Corruption Fighters
  Canberra, AUSTRALIA
  Ph: +61-(0)421463711
  Skype: tony.prescott1971

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