Taiwan reach / Fighting graft / India black money

ANALYSIS: Global reach of Taiwanese fraud rings deserves gov't attention.  "A growing number of R.O.C. citizens have been found involved in overseas telecommunication fraud in recent years, a problem that the government has noted but taken few measures to address."

Analysis by Joseph Yeh, The China Post: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/analysis/2016/04/18/463767/Global-reach.htm

COMMENTARY: Transparency key in fighting graft.  Petty corruption is often easier to identify and classify than sophisticated swindles.

Op-ed by Cathy Holcombe, South China Morning Post: http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1936780/transparency-key-fighting-graft

INFO: India's domestic black money window will not give immunity from corruption, fraud.  Disclosures made under the four-month domestic black money compliance window beginning June 1 will not get immunity from criminal offences like corruption, or fraud under Indian Penal Code, although there will be no scrutiny of the declarations by tax authorities.

Story in DNA India: http://www.dnaindia.com/money/report-domestic-black-money-window-will-not-give-immunity-from-corruption-fraud-2203012

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