#endsilence on corruption / New Zealand shell / Sri Lanka RTI
INFO: Regional workshop to help
countries with effective protection of whistleblowers to #endsilence on
corruption cases. In order to help State parties
with their full compliance in this area, the UNODC Regional Office for
Southeast Asia and Pacific is organizing a Regional Capacity Workshop on
Promoting the Effective Protection of Witnesses and Reporting Persons in Corruption
Cases in Bangkok, Thailand, on 26-27 April 2016.
here for more information: https://www.unodc.org/southeastasiaandpacific/en/what-we-do/anti-corruption/topics/03-regional-workshop.html
INFO: New Zealand shell company
linked to global bribery network. The Unaoil
company at the centre of a global oil industry bribery
network appears to be owned by a New Zealand shell company.
Read the
story by Rob Stock, in Stuff. http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/78436709/new-zealand-shell-company-linked-to-unaoil-global-oil-industry-bribery-scandal
INFO: Sri Lanka's Right to
Information Bill nears reality. Journalists in
Sri Lanka say the country is one step closer to having a more transparent
system of government after a long-awaited Right to Information Bill was tabled
in parliament.
Read the story
in UCA News. http://www.ucanews.com/news/sri-lankas-right-to-information-bill-nears-reality/75607