Opinion: A Detailed Critique of the NGO Call for Global Standards for Corporate Settlements in Foreign Bribery Cases

"In my last couple of posts, I’ve responded to—and criticized—the joint letter that several of my favorite anticorruption NGOs (Corruption Watch, Transparency International, Global Witness, and the UNCAC Coalition) sent to the OECD last month, urging the adoption of “global standards for corporate settlements based on best practice.” My first post took issue with the claim (further developed in a Corruption Watch report) that the current approach (mainly in the U.S.) to corporate settlements in foreign bribery cases was inconsistent with adequate enforcement, while my next post questioned the need for global guidelines. But both of my prior posts could fairly be criticized for (among other things) being too abstract, and for not responding to the specific list of 14 “best practices” identified in the NGOs’ joint letter."

Read the post by Matthew Stephenson, in the Global Anticorruption Blog: https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2016/04/19/a-detailed-critique-of-the-ngo-call-for-global-standards-for-corporate-settlements-in-foreign-bribery-cases/

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