Australian watchdogs / Academics and advocates / India companies

INFO: New powers mooted for Australian state's corruption and financial watchdogs.  Victoria's anti-corruption and integrity bodies are set for a shake-up with greater powers and changes to their functions being considered.

Read the story by Benjamin Preiss, in The Age:

COMMENTARY: The Roles of Anticorruption Academics and Advocates: Insights from the NGO Side.  "Despite our shared interests in understanding and fighting corruption, there’s often quite a gulf between the academic and advocacy communities."

Read the post by Matthew Stephenson, in the Global Anticorruption Blog:

INFO: Indian firms say they pay 50% of cost as bribes.  Indian firms pay 50 per cent of total project cost, on an average, as bribes to speed up clearances for real estate and infrastructure ventures, according to a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on corruption in the country.

Read the article by Vikas Dhoot, in The Hindu.

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