Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (4 Nov 2014)

Today's top story

Global: EU to appoint legal expert to investigate Kosovo mission
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini will name an independent legal expert to look into accusations of corruption at the European Union's mission in Kosovo.

More news

Global: Second billboard deemed too political by Brisbane Airport in lead-up to G20 summit
ABC (TI mention)
Brazil: Petrobas Unit CEO takes leave of absence amid corruption probe
The Wall Street Journal
Saudi Arabia: Anti-graft body says ministers hindering work
Saudi Gazette
United Kingdom: Tower Hamlets: damning report lays bare cronyism and misuse of public money
The Telegraph
Vietnam: Vietnam's corruption fight fails: officials
Thanh Nien News

Blogs and opinion

Global: Shining a brighter light on corruption in Asia Pacific
Caixin Online
Ukraine: Ukraine has done nothing to tackle corruption; it must learn from Georgia
Financial Times

News from Transparency International

Upcoming report: How transparent are the world’s biggest companies?
Web feature: Elections and anti-corruption in Europe

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