Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (21 Nov 2014) – Solomon Islands, PNG, Fiji

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Annika Wythes, Isikeli Valemei, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project, for sharing these updates.]

Solomon Islands: Anti-corruption integrity pledge ahead of polls.The upcoming polls will be the first general election in Solomon Islands since an Australian-led security mission scaled down its military operation last year.

Solomon Islands: Independent commission needed to tackle 'endemic corruption', outgoing high court judge says. An outgoing Solomon Islands high court judge says an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is required in the country more than any other "on the planet".

PNG: Knight tribunal to head to Manus. The leadership Tribunal hearing allegations of misconduct against Manus MP, Ronney Knight, will now move to Manus after the closure of the Port Moresby hearings.

Fiji: Ruling on corruption case. Suva High Court Judge Justice Prabaharan Kumararatne will this afternoon deliver his judgment in the case of 3 former Post Fiji Limited executives who face corruption charges.

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