Transparency International - Daily Corruption News: 27 November 2014

Today's top story

Tanzania: Tanzania PM Mizengo Pinda caught in corruption row
Tanzania's prime minister is under pressure to resign over alleged fraudulent payments worth $120m (£76m) to an energy firm and top officials.

More news

Global: Private firms filling Latin America’s security gap
Associated Press
India: Indian official banned for three years by FIFA for taking bribe
Associated Press
Iraq: Iraq finance minister urges battle against graft in military
Portugal: Portugal’s detained ex-PM Socrates rejects ‘absurd’ corruption charges
Spain: Spain backs anti-graft laws as Rajoy tries to clean party image
Ukraine: Ukraine in anti-corruption pledge as parliament meets

Blogs and opinion

Australia: It’s hard for voters to trust leaders who won’t promise true integrity
The Conversation
Nigeria: Why is Nigeria’s Jonathan worried?
Al Jazeera

News from Transparency International

Web feature: Slippery justice: the travails of a whistleblower in Cameroon
On the blog: Moldova: Time to tackle corruption

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