Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (3 Nov 2014)

Today's top story

Romania: Romania votes for new president under corruption cloud
Agence France-Presse
Romania’s Prime Minister Victor Ponta looked set to win the first round of a presidential election on Sunday, despite fears he could reverse reforms aimed at tackling the rampant corruption that blights one of Europe’s poorest countries.

More news

Global: UAE's Emirates airline to end FIFA sponsorship
China: China to set up new anti-graft office, official says
India: Mudgal panel submits final report in IPL corruption case
Israel: Court hears former Olmert aide in graft retrial
Times of Israel
Malaysia: Rooting out corruption in the forests of Borneo
South Korea: S. Korean lawmakers mull tough anti-corruption bill
Voice of America

Blogs and opinion

Global: Why companies might opt to self-report potential bribery issues
Wall Street Journal
Spain: Sorry does not expunge Spain’s political scandals
Financial Times

News from Transparency International

Press release: Transparency International condemns harassment of its chapter in Sri Lanka
Upcoming report: How transparent are the world’s biggest companies?

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