Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (20 Nov 2014)

Today's top story

Qatar: Qatar World Cup bid whistle-blower fears for her family’s safety
The Guardian
Phaedra Almajid, the whistle-blower who provided evidence of wrongdoing to the independent inquiry into the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids, claims she will live the rest of her life in fear after receiving threats against her and her children.

More news

China: Former top China military officer hoarded cash, jade in basement - Phoenix
Czech Republic: Wife of Czech ex-PM faces trial for abuse of power
Associated Press
EU: Has the EU’s anti-corruption mission been corrupted?
Christian Science Monitor
Mexico: Anger over missing students, corruption grows in Mexico
USA Today
Philippines: Philippines sentences over 1996 Ozone Disco fire
BBC News
South Korea: Ferry firm head gets 10 years in jail over sinking
Associated Press
Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka president seeks unprecedented third term as critics seek to unseat him

Multimedia of the week

Zimbabwe: Stealing lives
Al Jazeera

Blogs and opinion

Global: To root out corruption, UN needs outside intervention
Fox News
Canada: Global graft, corruption a bigger scourge than terrorism

News from Transparency International

On the blog: Corruption and banking: forex heralds an important change in rhetoric
Web Feature: Six things to know: New G20 beneficial ownership principles

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