Myanmar police reform / Afghanistan job opportunity / Pakistan judicial council

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INFO: UNODC report encourages Myanmar to reform police force.  A more comprehensive training system may be introduced for police officers in Myanmar following a report launched in the capital Nay Pyi Taw on May 16 by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Channel News Asia:

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Production of a report card on the performance of anti-corruption commitment by the Unity Government of Afghanistan.  Transparency Internationalinvites expressions of interest from a highly skilled and motivated national and/or international expert to assess the delivery of anti-corruption commitments of the Unity Government of Afghanistan since its inception against pre-defined indicators. The findings of the assessment will be a key advocacy tool ahead of the scheduled Ministerial Conference on Afghanistan in Brussels in 2016.

Application Closing Date - 03 Jun 2016

Job Start Date - mid-June 2016

Duration - mid-June 2016 to mid-August 2016

Location - Remote with travel to Kabul, Afghanistan

To know more or apply, please visit:

Thank you to Ilham Mohamed, Regional Coordinator, South Asia & Mongolia, Asia Pacific Department, Transparency International, for sharing this information. AP-INTACT shares this information strictly as a service to members. To apply or know more, visit the above link. Please do not send your query or application to AP-INTACT. AP-INTACT is not responsible for the accuracy of the posted information, including links to web pages, and is not involved in any way in the selection practices and decisions of the sponsoring organisation.

INFO: Pakistan gov't urged to establish permanent Judicial Council.  One of the largest bar associations in Pakistan urged the government to establish a permanent Judicial Council with members coming from the Pakistan Bar Council, Provincial Bar Council, bar associations,and civil society to investigate corruption cases.

The News International:

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