EU, UNODC organise funding workshop for anti-corruption agencies

The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have organised a workshop for anti-coruption agencies (ACAs).

The five-day workshop, which came up at the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Badagry, Lagos, focused on the mandate, weaknesses and strength of the ACAs; especially as  they relate to the use of strategic planning to achieve organisational objectives. While also striking a balance between these factors, the training provided a forum for participants to discuss strategic plan process with a view to building a successful organisational model reflecting realities of the present and the future.

Participants were acquainted with key concepts, spanning ”Strategic Plan and Management; Strategic formulation process; human and financial resource management; environmental scanning analysis and the concept of ‘’thinking out of the box’’.

The workshop also enabled participants to share knowledge of the strategic plan developed by various ACAs, as well as identifying certain gaps in the formulation and implementation process based on the new insight gained at the workshop.

One striking lesson learnt about resource management in strategic planning is that organisations should prioritise their activities by using the Pareto law of optimality to delineate important activities from non-important ones.

Participants were reminded of the fact that going by the government Anti-corruption stance, it is imperative for the ACAs to be strategic in fulfilling their mandate of corruption prevention and enforcement.

The Nation

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