China telenovela / Integrity Index / Aid & corruption

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INFO: TV drama to promote China's crusade vs corruption.  A new 42-part drama series on 'corruption' is set to start broadcasting in China later this year, reportedly as part of a media drive by the Chinese government to disseminate President Xi Jinping's tough message against graft.

INFO: Global Index of Public Integrity launched.  The EU-funded European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building (ERCAS) has released an Index of Public Integrity, a list of 105 countries from all global regions ranked according to six individual and actionable components (judicial independence, administrative burden, trade openness, budget transparency, e-citizenship, freedom of the press)that "reflect the balance of measures that can contribute to effective control of corruption".

See the global rankings:

PUBLICATION: Invitation to comment on draft of forthcoming book on "Aid and corruption".  Anti-corruption measures are costly and can inhibit aid effectiveness; read and comment on the draft of a forthcoming book by Charles Kenny, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.

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