Myanmar gifts / Open consultation / Transformation index

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ANALYSIS: Myanmar's guidelines to combat “rampant and obvious” bribery. "International investors in Myanmar should take note of the Guidelines when considering their own anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) measures. Such measures should be in place in any event where multinational businesses are operating (or considering operations) in countries – such as Myanmar – which may be considered high risk."

Chris Hughes, Aaron Stephens, and Roger Milburn/Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP:

Thank you to Anga Timilsina (@AngaTimilsina), Programme Manager, UNDP Global Anti-corruption Initiative (GAIN), for sharing this information.

OPEN CONSULTATION: Can open data be an effective tool to fight corruption?  The Open Data Charter has launched an open consultation targeted at civil society organizations, government officials, and investigative journalists. The consultation seeks to collect key information on real or potential cases that—through the use of data—can address concrete corruption problems.

For more information or to participate, visit:

INFO: Transformation Index 2016.  The Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI) analyzes and evaluates the quality of democracy, a market economy and political management in 129 developing and transition countries, including Asia and Oceania (

For the global overview, visit:

Thank you to Jairo Acuña-Alfaro (@acuna_jairo), Policy Advisor, Responsive & Accountable Institutions Team, UNDP New York, for sharing this information.

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