[ap-intact] WORKSHOP: Quantitative & Qualitative Research Methods on Corruption & their Application - Basel Institute on Governance

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Nina Schild, Events Coordinator, Basel Institute on Governance, Basel, Switzerland, for sharing this information.

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Workshop on Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods on Corruption and their Application

The Basel Institute on Governance is pleased to announce the opening of registrations for its upcoming "Workshop on Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods on Corruption and their Application" to be held on 20-22 April 2015 in Basel, Switzerland.

Further details on the programme and registration requirements you can find in the workshop's brochure (https://www.baselgovernance.org/sites/collective.localhost/files/Workshop_info.pdf). General inquiries can be addressed via email to claudia.baez-camargo@baselgovernance.org.

Basel Institute on Governance, Steinenring 60, 4051 Basel, Switzerland. Phone: +41 61 205 55 11. Fax: +41 61 205 55 19  info@baselgovernance.org  www.baselgovernance.org

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