[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Rescission of Contracts and Revocation of Licenses As Means to Combat Corruption

"[A law] providing for the nullification of contracts or concessions procured through corruption would be a strong deterrent to bribe-paying by firms. Although such bribery is already illegal, in some cases criminal punishments are simply insufficient to deter corrupt practices conducted in demand-side countries. ... If a demand-side country were to adopt a law that allows for nullification of any government contract or concession procured through corruption, it would send strong signals to that international community that this country will no longer tolerate these corrupt practices."

Read the full guest post in the Global Anticorruption Blog, by Shinta Nur Fauzia, an Indonesian Master of Laws Candidate at Harvard Law School. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/01/12/rescission-of-contracts-and-revocation-of-licenses-as-means-to-combat-corruption/

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