[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Fighting Corporate Corruption in Thailand, Part One — Securities Regulation

[Facilitator's note: With deep appreciation to Karin Zarifi, an independent consultant to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand, for sharing her essay with AP-INTACT.]

"In Thailand, despite increased focus on anticorruption, corporate governance and Corporate Social Responsibility improvements in the private sector, the Thai business community does not seem convinced that anticorruption is in its interest, at least short-term. Only last April, companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand were telling the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission that they were unwilling to stay away from paying 'tea money' (that is, bribes), for fear of losing out to competitors."

Read the full essay by Karin Zarifi in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/01/13/guest-post-fighting-corporate-corruption-in-thailand-part-one-securities-regulation/

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