[ap-intact] INFO: Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (16 Jan 2015) -- Cook Islands, Fiji, Solomon Islands

Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Annika Wythes, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project, for these updates.]

Cooks Islands: Ioane found guilty of bribery by ‘Court of Appeal’. The Democratic Party is considering whether to lodge a formal complaint to police against the Cook Islands Party candidate in the Vaipae-Tautu by-election, Mona Ioane, after he was found guilty of bribery by the Court of Appeal. http://pidp.eastwestcenter.org/pireport/2015/January/01-13-07.htm

Fiji: Call for public office holders to answer media queries. Fiji's Media Industry Development Authority (MIDA) chairman Ashwin Raj says public office holders need to be forthcoming and accountable to media organisations who are trying to provide balanced reports. http://www.pina.com.fj/index.php?p=pacnews&m=read&o=177108517654b586913e8b663720ed

Solomon Islands: High Court officer may go on trial. A High Court officer who allegedly converted $20,000 of the High Court funds for his own use is likely to go on trial next week, in the Honiara Magistrates’ Court.  Patterson Pou’s trial date was set for January 19 to 23. http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/national/5521-high-court-officer-may-go-on-trial

Solomon Islands: 10m health scandal accused given time to instruct lawyer of plea. The man accused of the defrauding the government of $7.3 million from the Ministry of Health and Medical Services is yet to give instructions to his lawyer for plea. http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/national/5516-10m-health-scandal-accused-given-time-to-instruct-lawyer-of-plea

Solomon Islands: Islanders want incomplete project prioritized. The $10 million scandal that rocked the Ministry of Health in 2012 is still an issue to the people of Ontong Java, Malaita Outer Island (MOI). http://www.solomonstarnews.com/news/national/5504-national-projects-will-be-taken-on-board-says-pm

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