[ap-intact] INFO: Police arrest deputy chief of Indonesia's anti-corruption agency

According to local media, the Indonesia National Police has arrested Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) deputy chief Bambang Widjojanto on Friday morning (23 January 2015), citing an election-dispute case in 2010. Bambang was taken by police when he was taking his children to school. National police spokesman Insp. Gen. Ronny F. Sompie has confirmed that Bambang had been arrested.

Read the story in Jakarta Globe. http://thejakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/kpk-deputy-chief-bambang-widjojanto-arrested-police-motive-unclear/

See also:

"Indonesia's political crisis deepens with arrest of antigraft official". http://www.rappler.com/world/regions/asia-pacific/indonesia/81737-indonesia-political-crisis-kpk-police-bambang-widjojanto

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