[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Fighting Corruption in Anti-Deforestation Programs — The Case of REDD+

"Securing a global climate agreement that includes tropical deforestation would no doubt be a historic achievement. But once world leaders return from Paris next year, the proof of the pudding will lie in national implementation. They may well wish to consider what can be learned from recent schemes for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (known as REDD+)…. It turns out that even when donors have pledged substantial amounts of money, spending that money effectively can be challenging. A major part of that challenge relates to the difficult political-economy of forest sector reform in developing countries, where corruption in its various guises can be a core feature. Indeed… REDD+ financing also risks increasing corruption and related problems like land grabbing."

Read the full guest post by Aled Williams, Senior Advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/01/06/guest-post-fighting-corruption-in-anti-deforestation-programs-the-case-of-redd/

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