[ap-intact] INFO: Indonesia's $2.4-M smart city project to monitor & respond to citizen complaints

Jakarta will invest IDR 30 billion (US$2.4 million) on its smart city project in 2015.The city launched the project in December with a new website, smartcity.jakarta.go.id, and mobile apps for citizens and civil servants. Residents are already using "Qlue", an app to report complaints on traffic accidents, crime, natural disasters and sanitation by submitting location-tagged photos. Jakarta smart city staff will receive these reports through the new operations centre and then send the reports to field officers. Officers can monitor incoming reports on their devices using an app called Cepat Respon Opini Publik (‘Quick Response to Public Opinion’).

Read the story by Medha Basu, in FutureGov. http://www.futuregov.asia/articles/5970-indonesia-to-spend-us24-million-on-smart-city-project-in-2015

See also:

"Preventing graft in procurement." http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/09/preventing-graft-procurement.html

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