[ap-intact] COMMENTARY: Fighting Corporate Corruption in Thailand, Part Two -- Private Initiatives

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Karin Zarifi, an independent consultant to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand, for sharing her essay with AP-INTACT.]

"The role of the [Stock Exchange of Thailand or SET] in fighting corruption cannot be overlooked. Stock exchanges are uniquely positioned to use their listing and disclosure requirements to encourage sustainable practices, including anticorruption, by listed companies and allow consideration by investors. The role of stock exchanges in wealthy countries — most notably the New York Stock Exchange — in imposing ethics and disclosure requirements on listed companies is already well-known. The SET’s recent initiatives demonstrate that stock exchanges in developing countries can also play this role. Although a stock exchange’s anticorruption initiatives cannot substitute for appropriate action by government regulators, they are a vital complement to government efforts to prohibit bribery and corruption."

Read the full essay by Karin Zarifi in the Global Anticorruption Blog. http://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2015/01/20/guest-post-fighting-corporate-corruption-in-thailand-part-two-private-initiatives/#more-2741

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