[ap-intact] INFO: Australia - Corruption Updates (21 Jan 2015)

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Executive Director of Corruption Fighters, for sharing these updates.]

#1:  Immigration officials face booze, drug tests. More than 8000 public servants at the Immigration Department face being breathalysed and drug tested in their offices under a tough new workplace regime. Sydney Morning Herald - 7 January http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/immigration-officials-face-booze-drug-tests-20150106-12i0x3.html?rand=1421195865706

#2:  The King of Canterbury and his princely $50k lunch bills. Cash-strapped Canterbury council has scrapped its immunisation program and closed its swimming pool over winter to save money. Sydney Morning Herald - 12 January http://www.smh.com.au/national/the-king-of-canterbury-and-his-princely-50k-lunch-bills-20150112-12lukm.html

#3:  Reg Grundy company says it gave $200,000 donation directly to the Liberals. A company controlled by Australian television producer Reg Grundy has declared it gave $200,000 directly to the federal Liberal Party six months before the 2013 election that swept Prime Minister Tony Abbott to power. Sydney Morning Herald - 12 January http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/reg-grundy-company-says-it-gave-200000-donation-directly-to-the-liberals-20150112-12mgtk.html

#4:  Disclose or leave: Immigration Department workers face 'organisational suitability assessments'. Thousands of Immigration Department public servants face the sack if they fail to comply with tough new security tests imposed by their new bosses. Sydney Morning Herald - 12 January http://www.smh.com.au/national/public-service/disclose-or-leave-immigration-department-workers-face-organisational-suitability-assessments-20150112-12l6qy.html

#5:  Pressure on Canterbury general manager Jim Montague to resign. Canterbury council is in crisis amid allegations that Labor Party officials and union heavyweights are trying to pressure councillors to prevent them ousting their beleaguered general manager Jim Montague. Sydney Morning Herald - 13 January http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/pressure-on-canterbury-general-manager-jim-montague-to-resign-20150112-12mopm.html

#6:  Canterbury council: the five-day visit for five South Koreans that cost $20,000. It was late on Friday afternoon when a flurry of desperate emails went back and forth among administrative staff at Canterbury City Council. Sydney Morning Herald - 13 January http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/canterbury-council-the-fiveday-visit-for-five-south-koreans-that-cost-20000-20150113-12nemk.html

#7:  Drug tests at Immigration a waste of time and money, says expert. The Immigration Department is wasting its time and taxpayers' money on forced drug tests for thousands of public servants, according to a leading workplace drug and alcohol expert. Sydney Morning Herald - 14 January http://www.smh.com.au/national/public-service/drug-tests-at-immigration-a-waste-of-time-and-money-says-expert-20150114-12myty.html

#8:  Queenslanders now have to prove their identity to vote – but why? In a first for an Australian general election, when Queenslanders head to the polls on January 31 they'll need more than loose change for the sausage sizzle and cake stalls – they now also need to bring proof of identity. Brisbane Times - 14 January. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/queensland-state-election-2015/queenslanders-now-have-to-prove-their-identity-to-vote--but-why-20150114-12nptt.html

#9: Malaysian policeman sentenced to hang for model's murder is living in Australia. A former police commando at the centre of a sensational murder case in Malaysia who has been sentenced to hang in Kuala Lumpur is believed to be living in Australia. Canberra Times - 14 January. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/world/malaysian-policeman-sentenced-to-hang-for-models-murder-is-living-in-australia-20150114-12ob5w.html

#10:  Senior Labor official dodges charges over dictaphone affair. The senior ALP official who admitted listening to and destroying a dictaphone belonging to an Age journalist has escaped charge. The Age - 14 January http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/senior-labor-official-dodges-charges-over-dictaphone-affair-20150114-12nz6w.html

#11:  Questions linger about the theft of journalist's dictaphone. The theft, misuse and destruction of a journalist's dictaphone might seem like a relatively minor offence in the grand scheme. The Age - 14 January http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/questions-linger-about-the-theft-of-journalists-dictaphone-20150114-12o045.html

#12:  No charges for ALP assistant secretary Kosmos Samaras over alleged theft of Age reporter's dictaphone. No charges will be laid in relation to the alleged theft of a dictaphone from an Age journalist. The Age - 14 January http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/no-charges-for-alp-assistant-secretary-kosmos-samaras-over-alleged-theft-of-age-reporters-dictaphone-20150114-12nq79.html

#13:  NT Police Commissioner John McRoberts forced out after investigation into a conflict of interest. Police Commissioner John McRoberts has quit following allegations he tampered with a criminal investigation involving a woman he had a “relationship” with. NT News - 15 January http://www.ntnews.com.au/news/northern-territory/nt-police-commissioner-john-mcroberts-forced-out-after-investigation-into-a-conflict-of-interest/story-fnk0b1zt-1227184890103

#14:  Push to limit the tenure of the director of public prosecutions. The [Tasmanian] State Government must move to create fixed terms for the director of public prosecutions, shadow attorney-general Lara Giddings said yesterday. Hobart Mercury - 15 January http://www.themercury.com.au/news/scales-of-justice/push-to-limit-the-tenure-of-the-director-of-public-prosecutions/story-fnj8cre7-1227185063273

#15:  Former Kambala school staff member charged with fraud. A former staff member at an exclusive girls' school in Sydney's eastern suburbs has been charged with fraud after allegedly embezzling more than $460,000 over a five-year period. Sydney Morning Herald - 16 January http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/former-kambala-school-staff-member-charged-with-fraud-20150115-12qyyz.html

#16:  Northern Territory police in crisis as commisioner retires and a senior officer is suspended. The Northern Territory Police force is in crisis as new revelations into John McRoberts’ alleged interference with a criminal investigation have been followed by the suspension of another senior officer. NT News - 16 January http://www.ntnews.com.au/news/northern-territory/northern-territory-police-in-crisis-as-commisioner-retires-and-a-senior-officer-is-suspended/story-fnk0b1zt-1227184890103

Tony Prescott
Founder and Executive Director
Corruption Fighters
Skype: tony.prescott1971

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