Daily Corruption News (20 April 2015) - Transparency International

20 April 2015
Today's top story
South Korea: PM offers to resign over bribery scandal
South Korean Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo has offered to resign over a bribery scandal, a senior ruling camp official said Monday.

More news
Global: Bank of the underworld
The Atlantic
Global: Se crea herramienta para medir impunidad (Tool created to measure impunity)
El Universal
Afghanistan: UN investigation finds corruption in Afghan police oversight division
China: China cracks down on golf, the ‘sport for millionaires’
The New York Times
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Oil-related corruption alleged in DRC park
Voice of America
Hungary: Thousands protest government corruption across Hungary
Palestine: Corruption case against Dahlan dismissed, lawyer claims
Agence France-Presse
Venezuela: 'En Venezuela el riesgo es mayor porque el valor de la vida es menor’ (‘In Venezuela the risk is higher because the value of life is less')
La Gaceta (TI mention)

Blogs and opinion
Australia: Australian unis should take responsibility for corrupt practices in international education
The Conversation
Guatemala: "La gente seleccionada tenía un perfil para los asuntos delictivos” (“Selected people had a profile for criminal matters”)
El Periódico (TI mention)

News from Transparency International
Web feature: Europe: a playground for special interests amid lax lobbying rules
Web feature: Welcome to Transparency International’s new corruption in sport initiative

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