[ap-intact] Promoting integrity, mitigating corruption in the justice sector

UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub is launching a call for expressions of interest to UNDP country offices, partner governments, practitioners in the criminal justice sector, academia, and civil society organizations, to share information on initiatives that have substantively contributed to promoting integrity and mitigating corruption in the criminal justice chain.
These could include vetting processes in the selection of judges, monitoring of court sessions by civil society, corruption risk assessments, or automation of court procedures that helped mitigate corruption risks.

Selected case studies -- based on relevance, results achieved, and lessons learned -- will be presented at an experts meeting to be held in Malaysia during the first week of September 2015.

For more information, please visit http://www.anti-corruption.org/index.php/en/news/82-news/380-nwsltr-integrity-justice-sector-april2015

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