[ap-intact] TRAINING: New e-learning module on “Building Integrity in REDD+”

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Estelle Fach, programme analyst on governance and REDD+, UNDP, for sharing this information.]

The United Nations Development Programme and Transparency International, with support from the UN-REDD Programme, have launched a new e-learning module on “Building integrity in REDD+”.

This free course focuses on specific corruption challenges and solutions for REDD+. What aspects of REDD+ make it vulnerable to corruption? What are the specific risks? What is already happening to address such risks and what more can be done? What role can you play to ensure REDD+ corruption risks are tackled?

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the main corruption challenges for REDD+ and how these may play a role in reducing the effectiveness of REDD+ efforts.
  • Understand the scope of actions already underway to protect REDD+ from corruption.
  • Identify possible measures to tackle corruption in REDD+ and the role they can play in these.

To register for one or more of the lessons in this course, please visit http://courses.transparency.org/ to create an account and get further instructions about how to register.

This course also will be available soon on the portal of UNDP’s Virtual School and the e-learning hub of UNDP’s global Anti-Corruption for Development portal.

For more information, please contact climatecourseadmin@transparency.org

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