[ap-intact] INFO: Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, Singapore - New home of UNDP’s Global Anti-Corruption Initiative

UNDP’s Global Anti-corruption Initiative (GAIN) is now based in Singapore (effective from March 2015), housed under the Global Centre for Public Service Excellence (GCPSE). The move of GAIN from New York to Singapore is part of UNDP’s restructuring, which aims at decentralizing the programme support function from the HQ and bringing UNDP’s advisory support closer to the programming countries.

While GAIN’s mandate as UNDP’s global focal point on anti-corruption remains the same, the move from NY to Singapore provides an opportunity for GAIN to align its work more closely with the work of GCPSE on public service policies, strategies and institutional innovation, which are critical aspects of preventing corruption.

From Singapore, GAIN will continue working with all programme partners and coordinating UNDP’s anti-corruption work with UNDP regional hubs (Bangkok, Istanbul, Amman, Addis Ababa, and Panama) to provide policy and programme support to UNDP Country Offices and programming countries around the world. For more information on the move of GAIN, please contact gain@undp.org.

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