Daily Corruption News (13 April 2015) - Transparency International

13 April 2015
Today's top story
China: Jiang Jiemin trial links key officials in China’s corruption crackdown
Wall Street Journal
After two years of piecemeal detentions, a trial began tying together key figures in China’s anticorruption campaign, with prosecutors linking the former head of a big state oil company to the country’s retired security czar, Zhou Yongkang.

More news
Global: U.S. court allows EU money-laundering case vs. RJ Reynolds
Brazil: Hundreds of thousands rally against corruption in Brazil
Chile: José Antonio Viera-Gallo: Chile “necesita un golpe de timón” (José Antonio Viera-Gallo: Chile "needs a change of direction")
BioBioChile (TI mention)
France: Les experts du médicament contraints à la transparence (Drug experts forced into transparency)
Les Echos
South Korea: Ruling party chief willing to cooperate with corruption scandal probe
Thailand: NACC to submit new corruption list
Bangkok Post

Blogs and opinion
Dominican Republic: Presunción de enriquecimiento ilícito (Presumption of illicit enrichment)
Acento (TI mention)
South Sudan: Sudan Expert: International community enabled South Sudanese corruption
Al Jazeera America

News from Transparency International
Upcoming report: Lobbying in Europe: Hidden Influence, Privileged Access
Web feature: Corruption in sport initiative

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