[ap-intact] INFO: Seminar on quality of government and anti-corruption reforms in Korea

The Quality of Government (QoG) Institute, which is based in the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, announced a 20 April seminar on QoG and anti-corruption reforms in Korea. Presentations will include:

"The Quality of Government in Korea: Changes and challenges", by Hyeonwoo Lee and Jeeho Lee, of the Good Government Research Project in Sogang University,;

"Procedural Justice and Perceived Electoral Integrity: The Case of Korea's 2012 Presidential Election", by Yongho Cho of Sogan University and Yongchul Kim of Yongnam University; and,

"Fight Corruption in Korea since Democratization: An institutional approach", by Deokrho Lee of Sejong University and Yonhyok Choe, of the Quality of Government Institute.

For more information, please visit http://qog.pol.gu.se/e/?eventId=2065999028

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