Yerevan hosts UN workshop on Developing Governance Capacities for Sustainable Development

Liana Yeghiazaryan, Public Radio of Armenia

Representatives of dozens of countries have come together in Yerevan for a three-day high-level International Workshop on “Developing Government and Governance Capacities for Sustainable Development.”

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) has chosen Yerevan for discussing the formation of a new agenda of sustainable development and solution of ecological problems.

The Yerevan Declaration will be adopted upon the conclusion of the conference on October 10. Thereafter, all governance programs in the field of environmental protection will be implemented on the basis of that declaration.

The Workshop, which targets public policy makers and other stakeholders, endeavors to strengthen capacity of developing countries with economies in transition to shift policies toward planning public administration structures and systems in a more sustainable way, focusing on specific institutional and human resource requirements.

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