Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (10 Oct 2014)

Today's top story

Iraq: To stem extremists, Iraq to reduce Baghdad's power
Associated Press
To get a home or an office built in the central Iraqi province of Salahuddin, contractors have usually had to pay hefty bribes to corrupt officials in Baghdad to clear away the red tape.

More news

Global: Aid donors failing to meet transparency targets, say campaigners
The Guardian
China: China offers incentives for criminals overseas to give themselves up
Germany: Deutsche Bank latest ‘untouchable’ target for prosecutor
Hong Kong: Hong Kong government calls off protest talks, defends leader's $6.4M payment
Kosovo: Health officials, doctors, arrested in Kosovo bribery investigation
Thomson Reuters
Liberia: Liberia leader seeks more power to fight Ebola
Associated Press
South Africa: Memo: Zuma involved in 'pervasive' corruption scheme
Mail and Guardian

Blogs and opinion

Nigeria: Nigeria's president threatens to sue trashy Jersey website
Foreign Policy

News from Transparency International

Web feature: Working towards a better future for all Hondurans
On the blog: What does monitoring campaign finance tell us about Czech elections?

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