COMMENTARY: The World Bank’s 100% citizen feedback agenda -- a daunting challenge and an amazing opportunity

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Emmanuelle Kunigk, communications adviser, Integrity Action, for permission to share this commentary.]

"On 10 October 2014, at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meeting in Washington Integrity Action co-organised a session on the 100% feedback agenda with Tucker Severson from and Jean-Louis Sarbib from and

"If the 100% feedback agenda is implemented well we think it has the potential to mark a real step-change for international development assistance. It could be truly transformative.

"No development agency has committed to such a vision before. Intuitively, it may seem like an obvious case to make and some may lament that it is long overdue. The more important question now is not to look backwards. The challenging question is to unpack what it means to do feedback well."

Read the full commentary by Fredrick Galtung, President, Integrity Action.

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