Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (18 Oct 2014) -- PNG, Kiribati, Fiji, Solomon Islands

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Annika Wythes, Isikeli Valemei, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project, for sharing these updates.]

PNG: Ombudsman Commission yet to deal with 9 MPs over misconduct. Papua New Guinea's Ombudsman Commission is yet to deal with nine MPs who have breached the Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates. Read the story in The National.

PNG: Prosecutor Requests More Evidence Against PM. PNG Public Prosecutor Pondros Kaluwin has requested the Ombudsman Commission to provide more evidence into allegations of misconduct in office by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill. Read the story in Pacific Islands Report.

Kiribati: Taiwan wants answers on missing Kiribati aid. Taiwan is asking the Kiribati Government to explain what has happened to one and a half million US dollars in aid funding. Read the story by Radio New Zealand International.

Fiji: FIU seizes assets of property owners for failure to explain wealth. Fiji's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) is now investigating several property owners on the violation of the Proceeds of Crime Act, especially the provision on unexplained wealth. Read the story by Halitesh Datt in Fiji One.

Fiji: Agreement to monitor illegal vessels. The Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority will not release any vessel suspected of illegal fishing unless its release is authorised by the Ministry of Fisheries and Forests. Read the story in Fiji Times.

Fiji: $1m worth of money laundering. More than one million dollars’ worth of money laundering has been detected in Fiji over the last three years [with the] Financial Intelligence Unit [saying] these involved only fifteen cases. Read the story by Fiji Broadcasting Corporation.

Fiji: Auditor General’s report tabled tomorrow. Attorney General and Minister for Finance, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum has confirmed in Parliament in the last hour that the Auditor General’s reports will be available tomorrow.  Read the story by Fiji Broadcasting Corporation.’s-report-tabled-tomorrow-

Solomon Islands: 35 intending candidates sign election integrity pledge. A total of 35 intending candidates has signed the Transparency Solomon Islands Election Integrity Pledge [which is] a promise by National General Election candidates to abide by the transparency and integrity rules when they are conducting their campaigns right up to when they are elected as Members of Parliament. Read the story by Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation.

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