Bangladesh anti-corruption advocates push for full right to information

[Facilitator's note: Thank you to Hasibur Rahman, Executive Director, Management and Resources Development Initiative, Bangladesh, for sharing this information.]

Massive awareness campaign about the Right to Information Act is very urgent to ensure its effective implementation, and to get benefits from the law, said discussants at a seminar in Dhaka.
Most of the people do not know about the law, though five years have already passed after its enactment. The government, mass media and NGOs should work together to encourage the people to use the law, they viewed.
Management and Resources Development Initiative (MRDI) in cooperation with Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) organised the seminar titled "Section-7 of the Right to Information Act, 2009" at Brac Centre Inn in the capital.
The function mainly discussed section-7 of the act that listed 20 types of information which are not mandatory to be provided by any authority.

Read the story in The Daily Star.

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