Mongolia’s capital leads charge to improve transparency

Ahead of a major forum on transparency and corruption in Mongolia’s capital of Ulaanbaatar, Capital City Governor and Mayor Bat-Uul Erdene set the tone for the discussions. “In Mongolia, corruption is so common that it has become a kind of social norm," Mayor Bat-Uul said. "In the end, it makes the state turn against the interests of the public. The state becomes the enemy of its own people.” On October 6-7, Mayor Bat-Uul hosted the Transparent Ulaanbaatar 2014: Anti-Corruption Forum, which brought together more than 200 guests from 16 countries as well as attendees from city and national government, civil society, the business community, and academia to discuss ways to help combat corruption in Ulaanbaatar.

Read the story by Bayanmunkh Ariunbold, Basanta Pokharel, and Tirza Theunissen in the In Asia page of the Asia Foundation website.

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