Transparency International - Daily Corruption News (27 Oct 2014)

Today's top story

Spain: Spanish police arrest dozens in $300 million corruption case
Police in Spain have arrested 51 people across the country, including senior members of the ruling party such as former secretary-general Francisco Granados, in the biggest anti-corruption sweep in the country's history.

More news

Global: World Bank vows to toughen fight against transnational corruption
Voice of America (TI mention)
China: China bans private clubs in parks, historical buildings in graft crackdown
Hungary: Tens of thousands of Hungarians protest against planned internet tax
Wall Street Journal
Kazakhstan: Kazakh border guard chief detained on corruption charges
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Nigeria: Nigeria's Jonathan brushes off scandals to lead 2015 election race

Blogs and opinion

Bangladesh: How long must Rana Plaza workers wait for justice?
The Guardian
India: India embraces soft power – or maybe it’s bakshish power
Global Post (TI mention)

News from Transparency International

New report: Exporting corruption
Web feature: Banks need integrity, not just stress tests

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