Pacific Anti-Corruption Updates (31 Oct 2014) -- Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Tony Prescott, Annika Wythes, Isikeli Valemei, Luisa Senibulu, and Samita Singh of the joint UNDP-UNODC Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Project, for sharing these updates.]

Fiji to strengthen working relations with UNODC. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Ratu Inoke Kubuabola met with the Director-General of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Mr Yury Fedetov, in Suva today.

Fiji: 'Widespread abuse'. Public Accounts Committee chairman Professor Biman Prasad says it has now become abundantly clear there has been widespread abuse of public funds and blatant disregard of fundamental financial procedures, highlighted by the Auditor-General through his audit reports on State finances and ministries for the past seven years.

Fiji: $72k spent without quotations. The 2013 Auditor General’s report states there are numerous breaches of procurement and payments procedures in the Agriculture Ministry in 2013.
Fiji says it's addressing brutality concerns. Senior judicial figures from Fiji have told a United Nations gathering the country is addressing concerns about police brutality.'s-addressing-brutality-concerns

Papua New Guinea to set up anti-corruption hotline to tackle police brutality. Papua New Guinea's prime minister Peter O'Neill has announced a hotline will be set up for people to report incidents of police brutality.

Solomon Islands: ‘Transparency vital for the private sector’. Effective partnerships with all sectors is Transparency Solomon Islands’ (TSI) main strategy in ensuring that all sectors must be included and involved in the effort to fight corruption in Solomon Islands.

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