Vietnam new law / Public work survey / Chinese FDA official

Vietnam Enlists the Private Sector in the Fight Against Corruption (Blog).  “By my count (nations with anticorruption compliance laws January 2019), Vietnam is now the 25th nation to require some or all of the companies that do business in its territory to have some type of anticorruption compliance program.”

Rick Messick/The Global Anticorruption Blog:


From gender gaps to corruption: 5 lessons from the first public work survey (Analysis).  “The gender pay gap is seven percentage points lower in the public sector than the private sector. Better-paid public servants aren’t necessarily less corrupt. And working for the state accounts for 38% of formal employment worldwide.”

Jennifer Guay/Apolitical:


Former senior food, drug regulator expelled from CPC.  Wu Zhen, former deputy director of China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), was expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) over serious violations of discipline and laws, abusing power and taking bribes.

China Daily: 


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