Myanmar ministries' CPU / Thailand ASEAN meeting / Indonesia regent sentenced

14 ministries form anti-corruption units.  From February 5 to 7, course instructors from the Myanmar Union Civil Service Board, the UNDP and the ACRC from South Korea conducted the course on the formation of the CPU in 14 ministries.

Eleven Myanmar:


Thailand to Host the Meeting of the Southeast Asia Parties against Corruption.  As the Chair of ASEAN for 2019, Thailand is pushing for greater cooperation among ASEAN countries in all dimension. In response to this policy, the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission of Thailand (NACC) will host the 15th Meeting of the Southeast Asia Parties against Corruption in October 2019.

The Government Public Relations Department:


Suspended regent sentenced to 7 years for corruption.  The Indonesian Semarang Corruption Court has sentenced suspended Purbalingga regent Tasdi to seven years’ imprisonment and Rp 300 million (US$21,451) in fines for accepting kickbacks and gratuities while serving his post.

Suherdjoko/The Jakarta Post:

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