Further CPI analysis / India anti-graft timing / Nepal corruption stats

Some Good News and Bad News About Transparency International's Interpretation of its Latest Corruption Perceptions Index (Blog).  "Admittedly, it isn't really about the CPI—it could have been written as a standalone document, frankly—but it's still useful and insightful, and the care and caution with respect to drawing bold conclusions from the limited quantitative data is something TI would do well to emulate in its other materials."

Matthew Stephenson/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2019/02/07/some-good-news-and-bad-news-about-transparency-internationals-interpretation-of-its-latest-corruption-perceptions-index/


The BJP has got its timing on corruption all wrong, writes Barkha Dutt (Opinion).  "When case files that have only been gathering dust are suddenly taken out, the BJP's weapon of attack gets blunted."

Barkha Dutt/Hindustan Times: https://www.hindustantimes.com/columns/the-bjp-has-got-its-timing-on-corruption-all-wrong/story-oqzIj0kf7Oip8x432mEtaJ.html


'Corruption rampant in public offices'.  A total of 32.4 per cent of respondents of a survey by Nepal's by the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority attributed rising corruption to political backing, 27.9 per cent (poverty and lack of education and awareness), 21.8 per cent (lack of transparency), 18.9 per cent (ineffectiveness of corruption control agencies), 13.7 per cent (low salary and high market price), 11.8 per cent (social tolerance to corruption), 10.2 per cent (no encouragement and respect to honest persons) and 18.5 per cent (all of the above reasons).

The Himalayan Times: https://thehimalayantimes.com/kathmandu/corruption-rampant-in-public-offices/

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