Bangladesh corporate governance / Singaporean Keppel officer / Philippines budget ministry
Poor corporate governance chokes foreign investment. Poor corporate governance and a lack of quality manpower are major barriers to foreign investment in Bangladesh, analysts said at an International Finance Corporate seminar in Dhaka.
The Daily Star:
Ex-exec admits taking over $740k in bribes. A former Keppel Shipyard senior procurement officer has admitted to taking more than $740,000 in bribes from 2007 to 2014, and pleaded guilty to 26 corruption charges.
Shaffiq Alkhatib/The Straits Times:
Palace defends DBM amid corruption allegations. The Philippines presidential office defended the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) from allegations that the government owes several private contractors billions of pesos because of corruption – pointing toward the weak claim of links between unsettled obligations and corruption.
Alexis Romero/The Philippine Star: